March 31, 2008
Adar II 24, 5768 
Welcome on board, to the 95 people who joined the email list since last week. 
I'll tell you more about last week's screenings, soon.  But first, some information about upcoming screenings.
Tomorrow night, Tuesday, April 1st (26th night of Adar II), will finally be the long-awaited Chicago Premiere of Lonely Man of Faith.  The  screening is presented by the Chicago Rabbinical Council and Ida Crown Jewish Academy, and will take place at 7 PM at Congregation K.I.N.S., 2800 W. North Shore Ave.  I will be on a panel together with Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz, Av Beit Din of the cRc.  The event is free and separate seating is available.  For more information, call ICJA at (773) 973-1450 or the cRc at (773) 465-3900.
Here's the Facebook event
The 18th of Nissan, which falls on the fourth day of Passover (Tues night, April 22 / Weds., April 23), will be Rabbi Soloveitchik's 15th Yahrtzeit.  I just thought you should be aware.
If you are in Israel over Pesach, you will have two opportunites to see the film:
NEW:  Wednesday, April 23, at 9 PM, the film will return to the Jerusalem Cinematheque!  I understand that if there's a good turnout, they may schedule further screenings.  So please let you friends and family know.
April 24th will be a screening at the Cinematheque in Rosh Pina, Israel.  More information to follow.
NEW: Sunday, May 11, will be the Bergen County Premiere in Teaneck, NJ!  The screening will be held in the auditorium of Congregation Keter Torah and will be a joint screening together with Congregation Rinat Yisrael, and possibly some other congregations.  More information to follow.
As I mentioned last time, on June 29th and July 3rd, the film will be back in Boston at the Museum of Fine Arts.
I'd appreciate it if you could forward this email or the Facebook events on to anyone else who might be interested.  And here's a link to the Facebook group for the film.
This past Monday was the 2008 Manhattan Premiere, at The Jewish Center.  There was a terrific turnout and the event was sold-out!  People were standing in corners, sitting in aisles, and some late-comers were actually turned away at the door.  I'm hoping that there will be more screenings in the City, soon, and we're speaking with local shuls about putting something together.
Wednesday night, there was a small and intimate screening with the second-level class at the Manhattan Jewish Experience.  It was great to hear feedback from an audience that, for the most part, had not grown up hearing about Rabbi Soloveitchik, and there were some great questions asked about the Rav and Modern Orthodoxy.  Rabbi Mark Wildes, director of MJE, answered questions with me, and he spoke about the influence of the Rav on his personal outlook.  He remarked that the Rav's writings are not used often enough in Jewish outreach, and explained how he tries to utilize the Rav's ideas in his classes at MJE.
Again, if anyone is interested in organizing a screening outside of Israel, contact Matt Stein
For screenings within Israel, contact Hedva Goldschmidt, of Go2Films. 

Wishing you all a good week,
Ethan Isenberg